ASCOFRANCE Asco-Sonneberg British Mycological Society CABI Bioscience Databases Centraal Bureau Schimmelcultures, an electronic monograph of Cordyceps and related fungi Cyberliber, An Electronic Library for Mycology DeutscheGeselschaft für Mykologie European Mycological Association Homepage Fredi Kasparek mit schöne Bilder von alle Pilzgruppen Homepage Hans-Otto Baral Home of the Hysteriaceae & Mytilinidiaceae Hypomyces Home International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (Tokyo Code) - Contents International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code) International Mycological Association KAMK Microscopic Wood Anatomy of Central European species Mollisia Mycobank, the fungal website Mycocheype Mycokey, a fungus identification and information system Mycological Society of America Myconet (Ascomycete systematics) Netherlands' Mycological Society Pyrenomycetes of southwestern France THE FIFTH KINGDOM Xylariaceae Home